blog search: b

2016-01-20 23:00:00
Views: 3717

Moved the iptrace to a raspberry for performance and fun. ...[readmore]

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2015-11-23 00:30:00
Views: 3970

Server(virtualbox) provisioning using vagrant....[readmore]

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2015-08-23 23:00:00
Posted in: Security Fun
Views: 3604

Using a bashscript to combine security checks ...[readmore]

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2015-08-05 20:00:00
Posted in: Security Fun
Views: 3892

Using the raspberry and a breadboard to blink a light when......[readmore]

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2015-07-24 20:00:00
Views: 3321

add ?org=facebook etc to all external links. Trace visitors if the have a org code......[readmore]

... [read-more]

why-guy add:

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