Iplog javascript-api

2015-08-05 19:00:00
Views: 3521

create a logging system using a js client and Nodejs API

- Javascript client example:

 * user vars
var logClient = "demo-domain.com";											// set client name
var logToken = "123demo123";																// account token
var debug = false;																			// client debug (true / false)

 * system vars
var logIp ="";																			// ip
var logEndPoint = logIp+"/iplog-api/index.php/site/traceip/html";	// path
var logVersion = '1.0.0';																					// version
var url = window.location.href;																		// get the uri
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;															// get useragent
var d = new Date();																								// build date obj
var dayOfMonth = d.getDate(); 																		// day of the month
var month = d.getMonth()+1; 																			// month range from 0 to 11
var year = d.getFullYear(); 																			// year
var date = year+"-"+month+"-"+dayOfMonth;													// set date format
var hours = d.getHours();																					// hours
var minutes = d.getMinutes();																			// minutes
var seconds = d.getSeconds();																			// seconds
var time = hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds;													// set time format
var logJson;
var logData;
var callback;
var marketingTag = "custom (marketing) TAG";

 * Debug
	console.log("trying to connect on"+logEndPoint);
	callback = console.log('data succesfully send to the api!');

 * Format the JSON
function formatLogData(marketingTag){
	logJson = JSON.stringify(
			'client' : logClient,
			'version' : logVersion,
			'url' :  url,
			'date' : date,
			'time' : time,
			'userAgent' : userAgent,
			'ip' : '',
			'tag' : marketingTag
	logData = btoa(logJson);

 * Send log data
function sendLogData(){
		url: "http://"+logEndPoint+"/"+logData,
		type: "GET",
		//data: logData, //only used with post
		contentType: "application/json",
		complete: callback


The API is running on the pi cluster. Feel like testing, please contact me.

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